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Transform your lawn into a lush paradise with our professional-grade DIY lawn...
In order to have a prize winning lawn in your neighborhood, you must follow a proven program. But what is the best tall fescue lawn care program? We have put together an easy to follow program below that will contain everything your lawn needs. Our professional program below contains:
When following our tall fescue lawn care program, you will notice weeds disappearing, and becoming a problem of the past. We hate weeds! Your lawn will begin to thicken up, become stronger and stand up straighter. When you mow, you will notice a sense of pride for what you done. It's amazing to see homeowners turn their lawn around and have landscape companies stop and wonder how are they doing it?
It is always best to start with a soil test kit to make sure your lawn is not deficient in macro or micro nutrients. A soil test will also show ph to make sure you are in range. If any corrections need to be made, Lawn Synergy is here to help.
Most Tall Fescue lawns are located in the Transition Zone where other lawn types can grow. Our program below focuses on growing the best healthiest and darkest tall fescue lawn by simply following our schedule.
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