Lawn Fertilizer

Welcome to Lawn Synergy's collection of lawn fertilizers, where a lush, vibrant lawn is just a few clicks away. Our range of professional-grade fertilizers is designed to cater to various lawn types, ensuring optimal health and growth for your green space. Trust in our products to transform your lawn into the envy of the neighborhood with ease and efficiency.

Transform your lawn into a lush paradise with our professional-grade DIY lawn fertilizers. Experience guaranteed results as you nourish your green space with the finest nutrients. Elevate your lawn care routine and achieve the vibrant, healthy grass you've always dreamed of with our specialized collection of lawn fertilizers.

What is Lawn Fertilizer?

Fertilizer is the cornerstone of a healthy, vibrant lawn. It provides essential nutrients that grass needs to grow thick and green. Our collection features a wide range of fertilizers, each tailored to specific lawn types and seasonal needs.

Professional vs. Big Box Store Fertilizers

While big box stores offer general-purpose fertilizers, our professional-grade options are a cut above. Our products contain a unique blend of bios, micros, and slow-release ingredients that nourish your lawn over time. Plus, our turf grade pearls ensure an even distribution of nutrients.

Why Choose Our Fertilizers?

  • Bios and Micros: Enhance soil health and promote robust root systems.
  • Slow-Release Technology: Gradual nutrient release for sustained growth.
  • Turf Grade Pearls: Uniform nutrient spread, no burning or patchiness.

Your Lawn's Perfect Match Our range includes fertilizers for all lawn types - Tall Fescue, Bermuda, Zoysia, and more. Select the perfect match for your lawn's unique needs and enjoy free shipping on your order.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I fertilize my lawn?

Our lawn fertilizer is designed to last 6-8 weeks. However, we recommend applying every 6 weeks during the growing season to keep your lawn continuously fed.

Can these fertilizers be used on all types of grass?

Yes, however each lawn type has its preferences such as the amount of nitrogen, etc.

Bermuda and Zoysia lawns love our 20-0-10 and 10-0-20 during the summer months.

Cool season lawns love our 10-0-20 during the summer and 20-0-10 during the fall/winter months.

What makes professional-grade fertilizers more effective?

LawnSynergy lawn fertilizer contains additional nutrients such as:

  • Micronutrients(boron, iron, manganese, copper and zinc
  • Bio-solids instead of fillers which increase organic matter and boost cec levels.
  • Polymer-coated pearls to extend the release of nutrients to your lawn.

What fertilizer makes grass dark green?

Well, we have quite a few of them. Most of our lawn fertilizers contain iron which will really deepen the green color of your lawn. Our 10-0-20 contains 10% iron, and our 20-0-10 also contains iron. If you have recently fertilized and would like to try iron, our 0-0-4 with 20% iron will do the trick!

What is the best fertilizer to use on a lawn?

Lawn Synergy Fertilizer is the best fertilizer for lawns. Why? Because we have developed each analysis based on what your lawn actually needs. We do not focus on price, we eliminate fillers and we focus on nutrition that your lawn needs to thrive.