13-0-10 Guardian Pre-emergent Fertilizer

13-0-10 Guardian Pre-emergent Fertilizer

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Lawn Synergy

13-0-10 Guardian Pre-emergent Fertilizer

13-0-10 Guardian Pre-emergent Fertilizer

50% Stabilized Nitrogen Pre-emergent Prevents Crabgrass and Feeds Lawn
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Dreaming of a thick, green lawn that's the envy of the neighborhood? Lawn Synergy's 13-0-10 Pre-Emergent Lawn Fertilizer can make that dream a reality. This powerful formula not only feeds your lawn with essential nutrients for healthy growth, but it also prevents weeds from even germinating.

Here's what makes Lawn Synergy's 13-0-10 Pre-Emergent Lawn Fertilizer so special:

  • Balanced 13-0-10 NPK ratio: Provides essential nitrogen for green growth that is slow-release, and potassium for improved drought tolerance, disease resistance, and stress.
  • Powerful pre-emergent weed control: Stops weeds like crabgrass, and other weed seeds from germinating, giving your lawn a chance to thrive.
  • 50% stabilized nitrogen: Feeds your lawn gradually over time, preventing nutrient runoff and leaching for a nice deep green color.
  • Safe for all grass types: Works on Tall Fescue, Bermuda, Zoysia, St. Augustine, Centipede, and Kentucky Bluegrass lawns.
  • Easy to use: Simply broadcast over your lawn and water it in!

This pre-emergent herbicide is effective against a wide range of annual grassy and broadleaf weeds, making it an ideal choice for maintaining a healthy, weed-free lawn.

The stabilized nitrogen in this fertilizer is specially formulated to release slowly over time, providing a steady supply of nutrients to your lawn over an extended period. This results in a longer-lasting green color, improved stress tolerance, and enhanced overall growth without excessive clippings.

Dormant Lawns?  Apply 0-0-7 Safeguard Pre-emergent

Application Timing:

Cool Season Lawns: February - April (two applications 4-6 weeks apart)

Warm Season Lawns: February - April & September

*Pre-emergent should be applied in spring before soil temperatures reach 55 degrees consecutively to prevent crabgrass germination.

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Key Value
Active Ingredient .37% Prodiamine
Lawn Types Tall fescue, Bermuda, Zoysia, St. augustine, Centipede, Kentucky bluegrass, Ryegrass
Special Features Prevents weeds and slowly feeds lawn
Application Rate 4-5 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Recommended 2 applications for maximum protection against weed germination
Time to Apply Spring, Fall
Waiting Period to Seed 120 Days
Delivery System Granules
Brand Lawn Synergy
For Use In Turf Grass, Landscape Beds

Frequently Asked

When should I apply pre-emergent?

Pre-emergent herbicide is best applied before weeds germinate. For cool season lawns, pre-emergent herbicide should be applied before soil temperatures reach 55 degrees consecutively to prevent crabgrass and other weeds.

For warm season lawns, pre-emergent herbicide should be applied in the spring before soil temperatures reach 55 degrees and in the fall, typically in September for season long control

I applied pre-emergent too late. Now what?

Unfortunately pre-emergents must be applied before weeds germinate. It is very important to apply pre-emergent early before soil temperatures warm up or before coming into the season. You will see additional weed pressure during the growing months that will need to be attended to.

How long do I need to wait until I can seed?

We recommend waiting at least 3-4 months before seeding can take place. Spot seeding can be done if the soil is agitated and or replaced with new soil.

What makes this pre-emergent better?

50% stabilized nitrogen will supply a continuous feed to your lawn, where most other fertilizers will leech through the soil faster and into the atmosphere before they can be used and not provide a consistent release of nutrients

Spreader Settings

Spreader settings for fertilizer 4-5 lbs per 1,000 sqft. Spreader settings for fertilizer 4-5 lbs per 1,000 sqft.

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