liquid vs granular lawn fertilizer

Liquid vs Granular Lawn Fertilizer

If you're wondering about the difference between liquid vs granular lawn fertilizer, you've come to the right place.

At Lawn Synergy, we often get asked about the unique benefits and drawbacks of each type. As per our expertise, both fertilizers have their own advantages depending on your lawn care needs.

In this article, we'll dive deeper into what sets these two fertilizers apart, discuss the pros and cons of both, and ultimately help you determine which one is better for you.

So, if you're ready to transform your lawn, continue reading to find out more about liquid vs granular lawn fertilizer and make an informed choice.

What this article covers:

What Is Liquid Fertilizer?

Liquid fertilizer is a concentrated solution that you dilute with water and spray onto your lawn. This method ensures that millions of nutrient particles are evenly spread over the grass, providing consistent nourishment.

Liquid fertilizers can sometimes start as a dry, water-soluble product that you mix into a liquid form before application. This type of fertilizer allows for quick absorption by the soil and plants.

If you're asking, "do I need to fertilize my lawn" with liquid fertilizer, it depends on your lawn's immediate nutrient needs and your preference for ease of application and fast results.

granular fertilizer for lawns

What Is Granular Fertilizer?

Granular fertilizer comes in small, solid pellets that you spread over your lawn using a broadcast spreader. These pellets break down slowly, releasing nutrients over time, providing a steady and sustained feeding for your lawn.

Granular fertilizers are available in quick-release and slow-release formulations, making them versatile for different lawn care needs.

Unlike liquid fertilizers, granular options offer the advantage of fewer applications, making them more convenient for long-term lawn maintenance.  

By using a granular fertilizer, you can apply exactly what your lawn needs.  With a granular fertilizer, nutrients can be applied by weight.  We call it the “meat and potatoes”. 

If you need to apply ½ pound of potassium, you can by simply applying Emerald 10-0-20 at 5lbs. Per 1,000 sq.ft. One of the downfalls of liquid fertilizer is that it cannot hold this amount of nutrients. 

If you're looking for outstanding fertilizers with pre-emergent, we recommend the Guardian 13-0-10 Pre-emergent Lawn Fertilizer and the 0-0-7 Safeguard Pre-emergent Lawn Fertilizer.

The Guardian Pre-emergent Fertilizer feeds your lawn with essential nutrients for healthy growth while simultaneously preventing weeds from even germinating. It has a 50% slow-release nitrogen formula, is safe for all grass types, and boasts an easy application.

The Safeguard Pre-emergent Fertilizer provides powerful weed prevention and is suitable for lawns and landscape beds. With its year-round protection, you'll never have to worry about pesky weeds, no matter the season. It is best for lawns that are dormant or do not need any nitrogen at the moment.

When using these fertilizers, you might also wonder, "does grass fertilizer kill weeds," and with these pre-emergent options, you get the added benefit of weed prevention, ensuring a lush, healthy lawn.

liquid lawn fertilizer vs granular

Pros and Cons of Granular Fertilizer

Granular fertilizers are solid pellets that are spread over the lawn. They break down slowly, providing nutrients over time, which makes them ideal for long-term lawn care.

Let's look at the pros and cons of granular fertilizer:

Slow-Release System

Granular fertilizers often come in a slow-release form, which provides a steady supply of nutrients over an extended period. These pearls are coated with sulfur and polymers that slowly release nutrients into the soil.  We utilize a technology called XCU.  The XCU technology promotes optimal nutrient uptake by the plant.

This helps maintain consistent growth and health. By releasing nutrients gradually, granular fertilizers ensure that the lawn gets a continuous feed, which promotes a healthier and more resilient grass.

Lawns fertilized with slow-release fertilizer are darker green, don’t have huge swings in overgrowth, and are much healthier in the long run.  

XCU Slow-release technology is not found in most retail fertilizers which is why we developed Lawn Synergy.

Fewer Applications

From our experience, granular fertilizers require fewer applications throughout the season compared to liquid fertilizers. Liquid applications can last depending on the type of nitrogen, from 14 days up to 12 weeks. Keep in mind liquid fertilizer applications are really only best for spoon feeding and it makes it hard to apply more than ½ pound of nitrogen. However, If you are looking to apply .25-1lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 sqft, granular is a much better option.  

This makes them a convenient choice for busy homeowners. The slow-release nature means you can apply them less frequently, saving time and effort while still maintaining a vibrant lawn.

Easy To Monitor On Lawn

Granular fertilizers are easier to monitor because you can see where you have applied them. It is much harder to apply a uniform application using a hose end sprayer with liquid fertilizer resulting in uneven growth.

This reduces the risk of over-application and potential lawn damage. Visible pellets make it easier to achieve even coverage, ensuring that every part of your lawn gets the nutrients it needs without over-fertilizing.

Pros and Cons of Liquid Fertilizer

If you're wondering, "do I need to fertilize my lawn" more often with liquid fertilizer, the answer is yes, due to its quick-release nature.

It's important to handle liquid fertilizers carefully and follow the application instructions to avoid over-fertilizing, which can lead to runoff and potential environmental harm. This raises the question, "is lawn fertilizer toxic?"

While generally safe when used correctly, overuse or improper application of any fertilizer can lead to toxicity issues for both your lawn and the surrounding environment.

Let's look at the pros and cons of liquid fertilizer:

No Clean Required

One of the biggest advantages of liquid fertilizer is that there's no need for cleanup. It gets absorbed quickly, leaving no residue behind.

This means you can fertilize your lawn without worrying about pellets or granules being scattered around.

The liquid form ensures that all the nutrients are delivered directly to the soil and grass, maximizing efficiency and reducing waste.

Easy Application

Based on our observations, liquid fertilizers are straightforward to apply. You just mix with water and spray, ensuring even coverage.

This method allows for precise control over where and how much fertilizer is applied, making it easier to treat specific areas that need more attention.

The ease of application also means that even those new to lawn care can use liquid fertilizers effectively without requiring special equipment or extensive training.

granular fertilizer for lawns


However, liquid fertilizers can be more expensive than granular options, particularly when used over a large area. If your lawn requires 4 lbs. of nitrogen a year along with potassium, it will be much much more expensive compared to granular fertilizer.  Also, it would take many more applications to reach the amount of nutrients when comparing lb vs. lb.

The cost can add up quickly, especially if frequent applications are necessary to maintain optimal lawn health.

This higher price point might be a consideration for budget-conscious homeowners who need to cover extensive lawns regularly.

Shorter Shelf Life

Liquid fertilizers also have a shorter shelf life. This means you need to use them within a specific time frame to avoid them going bad.

Unlike granular fertilizers, which can be stored for longer periods, liquid fertilizers require careful inventory management to ensure they are used before their potency diminishes.

This factor is crucial for those who prefer to buy in bulk or want to keep a stock for future use.

lawn fertilizer liquid vs granular

Which One Is the Best?

Choosing between liquid fertilizer and granular lawn fertilizer depends on your specific needs. If you prefer fewer applications and easy monitoring, granular might be your best bet.

Granular fertilizers provide a slow-release system that ensures a steady supply of nutrients over time, reducing the frequency of application.

Additionally, with granular fertilizers, you can get ½-1lb. of nutrients down at one time. 

Lawn Synergy fertilizers are packed with nutrients your lawn needs such as organics, potassium, iron, humics, and micro-nutrients. Liquid fertilizers cannot carry these nutrients to your lawn.

They are easier to monitor, as you can see exactly where the granules have been applied, minimizing the risk of over-application and potential lawn damage. 

For those looking for a long-term, low-maintenance solution, granular fertilizers offer significant advantages over liquid options.

With maintaining 1000’s of estate properties such as celebrities, nascar drivers, and entrepreneurs, we only apply our blends of granular fertilizer. It is what sets us apart, making our lawns the talk of the town.   


Choosing the right fertilizer can make all the difference in achieving a lush, healthy lawn. Both liquid and granular fertilizers offer distinct advantages tailored to different lawn care needs.

At Lawn Synergy, we recommend evaluating your lawn's specific requirements and your maintenance preferences to determine which type of fertilizer is best for you. Ensuring your lawn receives the right nutrients is crucial for its health and beauty.

Ready to transform your lawn into a verdant oasis? Visit Lawn Synergy for more expert advice on lawn care.

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