lawn food vs fertilizer

Lawn Food vs Fertilizer

If you're passionate about achieving a lush, green lawn, you've likely wondered about the difference between lawn food vs fertilizer. You're not alone! This is a common question in the lawn care community, and for good reason.

Both products play crucial roles in maintaining a healthy, vibrant lawn, but their unique benefits can help you choose the right product for your lawn's specific needs.

If you're wondering whether lawn food or lawn fertilizer is better for you, you've come to the right place.

In this article, we'll dive deeper into the differences between both, compare them, and provide insights into which one might be the best choice for your lawn. So, if you're ready to learn, continue reading.

What this article covers:

What Is a Fertilizer?

Fertilizers are nutrient-packed formulas designed to feed your lawn or landscape with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients are vital for grass health, promoting growth, and enhancing color. 

Typically, fertilizers come in two main types: liquid vs granular lawn fertilizer. Liquid fertilizers are quick-acting and easy to apply, while granular ones provide slow-release nutrition over time but pack more essential nutrients. 

Our collection of lawn fertilizers at Lawn Synergy is of premium quality and the best choice out there. Amongst our products, our two standout choices are the Almighty 20-0-10 Lawn Fertilizer and the Emerald 10-0-20 Lawn Fertilizer.

The Almighty  Fertilizer has a unique formulation of 3.4% iron and 20% nitrogen with 40% of the nitrogen being slow-release to continue to feed over time.. It delivers a powerful boost of essential minerals and trace elements that promote robust root development, improve plant health, and enhance the overall appearance of your lawn. 

Meanwhile, the Emerald Lawn Fertilizer has a balanced nutrient content and contains 10% iron, which is essential for promoting healthy, green growth in your lawn.  It’s best for lawns not needing as much nitrogen as the Almighty however it packs a powerful punch.  Perfect for St. Augustine, Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Rye lawns during the spring and summer.

lawn food vs fertilizer

What Is Lawn Food?

Lawn food is a broader term encompassing various products aimed at improving overall lawn health.

While it includes fertilizers, it also contains additional components like soil conditioners, microbial inoculants, and sometimes even weed control agents.

From our experience at Lawn Synergy, lawn food not only feeds your grass but also enriches the soil and promotes a balanced ecosystem. Soil conditioners improve soil structure, making it easier for roots to grow deeply and access nutrients.

Microbial inoculants introduce beneficial microorganisms that help break down organic matter and improve nutrient availability.

Some lawn foods also contain weed control agents that help manage unwanted plants, ensuring that your grass thrives without competition.

Is Lawn Food the Same as Fertilizer?

Not exactly. While all lawn food contains fertilizer, not all fertilizers are considered lawn food.

Fertilizer primarily focuses on supplying essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are vital for immediate grass health, growth, and color enhancement.

Lawn food, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive approach by including additional components such as soil conditioners and microbial inoculants.

a lawn food vs fertilizer

However, based on our observations, lawn fertilizers can be a better option if your primary goal is to provide a targeted, powerful nutrient boost to your lawn.

Fertilizers deliver concentrated nutrients quickly and efficiently, addressing immediate nutritional needs and promoting vigorous growth.

This makes fertilizers particularly effective for lawns that need a fast, impactful improvement in health and appearance. For those focused on quick results and maintaining vibrant grass, lawn fertilizers are the optimal choice.

Which One Is Better?

Choosing between lawn food and fertilizer depends on your lawn's specific requirements and your maintenance goals. Let's break it down:

Nutrient Composition

Fertilizers deliver a concentrated dose of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are crucial for immediate grass health.

However, does lawn fertilizer go bad? Yes, over time, it can lose potency. Despite this, fertilizers provide a rapid nutrient boost that lawn food cannot match.

Lawn food, with its diverse mix of components, offers a more sustained improvement in lawn health, but for those seeking quick, targeted nutrient delivery, fertilizers are the superior choice.

They ensure your lawn receives the precise nutrients it needs right away.

Enhancing Growth

Fertilizers are excellent for boosting growth quickly, making them ideal for lawns needing immediate revitalization.

They deliver essential nutrients directly to the grass, promoting fast and robust growth. In contrast, lawn food supports growth and enhances the soil, leading to healthier, more resilient grass over time.

Outcompeting Weeds

So, does grass fertilizer kill weeds? Not typically, unless you purchase a fertilizer with weed control or weed prevention, such as our Guardian 13-0-10 Pre-emergent Lawn Fertilizer .

This specialized product not only feeds your lawn but also prevents weeds from taking root.  However, it needs to be applied before weeds germinate.  We suggest applying very early in the spring before soil temperatures reach 55 degrees.  

This will ensure proper weed prevention.  For existing broadleaf weeds in the lawn, we suggest a blanket application of Triad Select.  It’s one of our goto weed killers. 

While lawn food may include elements that help outcompete weeds by promoting robust grass growth and improving soil conditions, fertilizers with integrated weed control offer a more direct and effective solution to keep your lawn weed-free.

lawn food vs fertilizer


Do I need to fertilize my lawn? Yes, but timing is crucial. Fertilizers should be applied during the growing season to maximize their effectiveness, providing essential nutrients when your grass needs them most.

Fertilizing your lawn needs to be an ongoing process and each application should be spaced out properly.  Our fertilizer applications are designed to last up to 8 weeks. 

However, by applying each application every 4-6 weeks, we are resupplying needed nutrients, in return your lawn will be continuously fed.

Lawn food can often be used more flexibly, supporting your lawn year-round, including during the dormancy period. 

However, for those focused on achieving optimal growth and health during peak seasons, fertilizers are the better option.


Cost can vary. Fertilizers are cheaper upfront and might require more frequent applications, but they offer long-lasting effects and continuous growth, providing a cost-effective solution for maintaining a healthy lawn. Quality fertilizers contain more than just N-P-K.  We pack our blends with XCU slow-release technology, remove fillers and pack in greenTRX, and also add in iron for darker green color. This cannot be found in retail type fertilizers.

Lawn food is more expensive initially but provides sustained benefits over time. For those looking for immediate and noticeable results without a hefty initial investment, fertilizers present the best value.


When it comes to achieving a lush, green lawn, understanding the roles of lawn food vs fertilizer is crucial.

Fertilizers are your best bet for quick, effective nutrient delivery, providing essential elements that promote rapid growth and vibrant color.

They deliver immediate results, making them the ideal choice for those looking to see quick improvements in their lawn's appearance.

While lawn food offers a more comprehensive approach by enriching the soil and supporting long-term health, it lacks the immediate impact that fertilizers provide.

At Lawn Synergy, our findings show that fertilizers are essential for those who want fast, noticeable results.

Ready to transform your lawn with the best products on the market? Visit Lawn Synergy today and explore our range of high-quality lawn care products designed to give you the lawn of your dreams.

Your journey to a healthier, greener lawn starts here!

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