best fertilizer for tall fescue grass

Best Fertilizer for Tall Fescue Grass

Wondering what the best fertilizer for tall fescue grass is? Look no further. At Lawn Synergy, we specialize in crafting top-tier lawn fertilizers for homeowners like you.

Our expert team has meticulously designed a range of fertilizers tailored to the unique needs of tall fescue grass.

In this guide, we'll delve into the specifics of fertilizing tall fescue lawns, exploring different fertilizer blends and their optimal application times.

Whether you're aiming for lush greenery or combating common lawn issues, we've got you covered.

Get ready to transform your lawn into a vibrant oasis with our professional-grade fertilizers and expert tips.

What this article covers:

What Is Tall Fescue Grass?

Tall fescue grass, renowned for its resilience and adaptability, stands as a favored option for lawns across various climates.

At Lawn Synergy, we recognize the importance of maintaining the vitality of this grass species.

According to The Spruce, tall fescue boasts durability and versatility, making it an ideal choice for homeowners seeking a lush, vibrant lawn.

However, to ensure its optimal health and appearance, it's crucial to provide tall fescue with the proper nutrients at specific intervals. 

fescue grass fertilizer

We understand the intricacies of lawn care, which is why we offer a range of premium fertilizers tailored to the needs of tall fescue grass.

Our professional-grade products, available at Lawn Synergy's grass seed collection, contain essential nutrients to support the growth and vitality of tall fescue lawns.

With our expertly formulated fertilizers, you can maintain a vibrant, resilient lawn that enhances the beauty of your outdoor space.

What Is the Best Fertilizer for Tall Fescue Grass?

Tall fescue grass isn't suitable for just one type of fertilizer. It needs a combination of different fertilizers to become a success.

At Lawn Synergy, we've carefully developed a professional-grade blend of fertilizer that you can't get at big box stores. You can find the best fertilizer for grass here.

Guardian 13-0-10 Lawn Fertilizer With Pre-emergent

13-0-10 pre-emergent provides tall fescue grass with slow-release nitrogen, potassium, and pre-emergent. This is a go-to for tall fescue lawns during spring, much like our specialized weed killer for Bermuda grass is for those specific weed issues.

13-0-10 will prevent crabgrass, slowly feed tall fescue grass as it awakes, and begin to strengthen the turf. Pre-emergent must be applied and watered in before soil temperatures reach 55 degrees. If applied after, crabgrass may have already germinated, but it is still beneficial to apply.

Emerald 10-0-20 Lawn Fertilizer With Iron

10-0-20 lawn fertilizer strengthens tall fescue grass as it gets ready for summer. Slow-release nitrogen keeps the grass growing without excessive growth.

The extra potassium provides stress and disease protection by strengthening the cell walls of the grass.

The 10% added in Iron gives that extra dark green color everyone is looking for. 10-0-20 lawn fertilizer is the best fertilizer for yellow grass.

Starter Fertilizer 15-20-12

Going into fall, reseeding tall fescue grass is key. Most tall fescue lawns in the transition zone have been beaten up by summer stress. Some areas of the lawn thin out.

Starter fertilizer 15-20-12 provides all the necessary nutrients needed for new seed to grow. We've kicked it up a notch adding in bios and slow-release technology.

The best way to grow grass is to use our starter fertilizer.

Almighty 20-0-10 Lawn Fertilizer

After your seed has germinated, it's best to apply our 20-0-10 fertilizer. We've doubled the nitrogen content pushing that extra growth that grass needs to harden off and get ready for winter. For good measure, we added some more iron to the blend!

We want to help you get your lawn green. 20-0-10 lawn fertilizer is the best fertilizer for tall fescue grass from fall to winter. It's an amazing winterizing fertilizer also.

fertilizer for fescue grass

Tall Fescue Grass Fertilizer Program

  1. January - February
    13-0-10 Lawn Fertilizer with Pre-emergent
  2. March - April
    13-0-10 Lawn Fertilizer with Pre-emergent
  3. May - June
    10-0-20 Lawn Fertilizer with Iron
  4. July - August
    10-0-20 Lawn Fertilizer with Iron
  5. September
    15-0-20 Starter Fertilizer
  6. October
    20-0-10 Lawn Fertilizer with Iron
  7. November - December
    20-0-10 Lawn Fertilizer with Iron

How to Properly Fertilize a Fescue Grass Lawn

At Lawn Synergy, we know that properly fertilizing your fescue grass lawn is essential for its health and appearance.

Here's how to do it right:

Type Of Fertilizer To Use On Fescue Grass

When selecting fertilizer for your fescue grass lawn, we recommend you choose formulations specifically designed for cool-season grasses like tall fescue.

Look for products with a balanced nutrient ratio tailored to the needs of tall fescue grass, and consider using the best grass seed mix for overseeding to enhance lawn density.

How Much Fertilizer To Apply

Proper application rates are crucial for achieving optimal results without risking damage to your lawn.

Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding application rates based on the size of your lawn and the specific fertilizer being used.

We recommend applying our fertilizer at 4-5lbs. Per 1,000 sqft for best results. Spreader settings can be found on each fertilizer page. For scotts spreaders, 4-6 setting is common.

How to Spread Fertilizer on Fescue Grass

According to Bioadvanced, proper spreading techniques are essential for maximizing the effectiveness of fertilizer application and promoting healthy grass growth.

At Lawn Synergy, we understand the importance of properly spreading fertilizer on your fescue grass lawn for optimal growth and health.

Here's a detailed guide on how to do it effectively:

  1. Calibrate Your Spreader: Before you begin, calibrate your spreader according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure accurate application rates.
  2. Start At The Perimeter: Begin by walking around the perimeter of your lawn, spreading fertilizer evenly along the edges.
    This helps establish a boundary and prevents over-application in the center.
  3. Even Passes Across The Lawn: Once the perimeter is complete, make even passes across the lawn, overlapping each pass slightly to ensure uniform coverage.
    Adjust the spreader settings as needed to achieve the desired application rate.
  4. Avoid Streaks: Be mindful of your walking speed and the spreader's settings to avoid creating streaks or patches of uneven fertilizer distribution.
  5. Check For Coverage: After spreading the fertilizer, visually inspect your lawn to ensure that every area has been evenly covered.
    Make any necessary adjustments or additional passes to fill in any missed spots.
fescue grass fertilizer


In our journey through the nuances of fertilizing tall fescue grass, we've unveiled the secrets to lush, vibrant lawns.

By understanding the importance of proper fertilization and selecting the right nutrients, homeowners can elevate their lawn care game to new heights.

Deep-rooted knowledge empowers us to nurture our grass with precision, ensuring optimal growth and resilience.

Now, armed with this knowledge, it's time to take action. Explore Lawn Synergy's subscription program, your gateway to professional-grade fertilizers tailored for tall fescue grass.

With our expert support and premium products, achieving the lawn of your dreams has never been easier.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your lawn care routine. Join our lawn care subscription today and witness the transformation firsthand.

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