Recognition Herbicide

Recognition Herbicide

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Recognition Herbicide

Recognition Herbicide

Safely removes bermuda grass in Zoysia and St Augustine lawns
Regular price $219.99
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Introducing Recognition® Herbicide, your ultimate solution for maintaining pristine turf by effectively eliminating over 40 common weeds, including all major sedges, kyllingas, dollarweed, and clover. Designed with unparalleled safety for St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, and kikuyugrass, Recognition ensures your lawn stays lush and healthy.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Weed Control: Targets a wide spectrum of weeds, ensuring a weed-free lawn.
  • Exceptional Turf Safety: The proprietary safener, metcamifen, allows for safe broadcast applications on select warm-season grasses.
  • Versatile Application: Enhances the effectiveness of tank mixes, broadening weed control and reducing the need for multiple spot treatments.

Application Recommendations:

  • For Bermudagrass Removal:
    Combine Recognition with Fusilade® II Herbicide to selectively eliminate bermudagrass from zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass lawns. This combination also effectively controls goosegrass and dallisgrass.

  • Enhanced Broadleaf Weed Control:
    Mix Recognition with Turflon® Ester Ultra Specialty Herbicide to achieve faster, broader-spectrum weed control in St. Augustinegrass and zoysiagrass, often with just one application.

Experience the powerful performance and exceptional turf safety of Recognition Herbicide, and transform your lawn into a showcase of beauty and health!

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Key Value
Active Ingredient 20.4% Trifloxysulfuron-sodium
Lawn Types Zoysia, St. augustine
Special Features Safely removes bermuda grass growing in zoysia and st augustine lawns when mixed with Fusilade II
Application Rate St. Augustine Grass: .045 oz/1,000 sqft Recognition + .28-.55 oz/1,000 sqft Fusilade II
Zoysia Grass: .045 oz/1,000 sqft Recognition + .37-.55 oz/1,000 sqft Fusilade II
For best results, add a non-ionic surfactant
Time to Apply Summer, Spring, Fall
Target Pests Bahiagrass Bentgrass Black Medic Broadleaf signalgrass Buttercup hairy Carolina geranium Carpetweed Clover Clover Rabbitsfoot Cock's-Comb Kylinga Common Chickweed Corn speedwell Creeping Indigo Cudweed Narrowleaf Dallisgrass Dandelion Dandelion Catsear Dichondra English daisy Fescue tall Globe Sedge Green Kyllinga Ground ivy Henbit Hop clover Khakiweed Lawn Burweed Little Barley Mallow Mouse-ear Chickweed Oxalis/Yellow Woodsorrel Pansy field Parsley Piert Pennywort Lawn Poa annua Poa trivialis Purple Nutsedge Rescuegrass Ryegrass Ryegrass perennial Sedges annual Shepherd's-purse Signalgrass Broadleaf Spotted Spurge/Prostrate Spurge Torpedograss Virginia buttonweed Wild Garlic Yellow nutsedge
Shipping Restrictions CA
Delivery System Dispersible Granules
Brand Syngenta
For Use In Turf Grass

Frequently Asked

What types of turfgrass are safe for use with Recognition® Herbicide?

Recognition® Herbicide is safe for use on St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, buffalograss, and kikuyugrass. Its proprietary safener, metcamifen, allows for broadcast applications on these warm-season grasses.

Which weeds does Recognition® Herbicide control?

Recognition® Herbicide effectively controls over 40 weeds, including all major sedges, kyllingas, dollarweed, and clover.

Can Recognition® Herbicide be used to remove bermudagrass from zoysiagrass?

Yes, when tank-mixed with Fusilade® II Herbicide, Recognition® Herbicide can selectively remove common and hybrid bermudagrass from established zoysiagrass lawns.

Is Recognition® Herbicide safe for use on residential lawns?

Recognition® Herbicide is labeled for use on residential lawns, except in California. Always refer to the product label for specific application instructions and safety guidelines.

What is the active ingredient in Recognition® Herbicide?

The active ingredient in Recognition® Herbicide is trifloxysulfuron-sodium, classified as a Group 2 Herbicide.

Can Recognition® Herbicide be tank-mixed with other herbicides?

Yes, Recognition® Herbicide can be tank-mixed with other herbicides to enhance weed control. For example, mixing it with Turflon® Ester Ultra Specialty Herbicide provides faster, broader-spectrum weed control in St. Augustinegrass and zoysiagrass.

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