Protect Your Lawn & Garden from Moles with Mole Scram
Mole Scram Pest Control Granules provide an effective and natural way to repel moles from your lawn and garden. Designed for homeowners who want to safeguard their outdoor spaces without using harmful chemicals, this granular repellent drives moles away while being completely safe for plants, pets, and children.
Using a biodegradable, all-natural formula, Mole Scram works by creating an unpleasant environment for moles, encouraging them to leave without harming them. The result? A mole-free lawn without traps, poisons, or chemicals that could endanger your family or wildlife.
Why Choose Mole Scram?
✅ Fast-Acting Formula – Starts working immediately to push moles away from your yard. ✅ All-Natural & Safe – Made with botanical ingredients that are safe for pets, kids, and plants. ✅ Non-Toxic & Eco-Friendly – Does not harm moles, beneficial insects, or your soil. ✅ Long-Lasting Protection – A single application lasts up to 30 days. ✅ Easy to Apply – Simply spread the granules using a hand or broadcast spreader. ✅ Weather-Resistant – Formulated to remain effective even after light rain.
How Does Mole Scram Work?
Moles are highly sensitive to taste and smell. Mole Scram's natural ingredients create an unpleasant underground environment that irritates their senses and disrupts their food sources, encouraging them to leave your property. Unlike toxic solutions, this product repels moles rather than killing them, making it a humane and environmentally friendly solution.
How to Apply Mole Scram
Step-by-Step Application Guide:
Identify Problem Areas – Look for active mole tunnels or damage in your yard.
Apply the Granules – Spread Mole Scram evenly over the affected areas using a hand or broadcast spreader. Apply in a striping pattern, starting at the area farthest from where you want the moles to exit.
Water Lightly – To activate the granules, lightly water the treated area after application.
Reapply as Needed – For continued protection, reapply every 30 days or after heavy rain.
Recommended Application Rates:
Initial Treatment: 1 lb per 750 sq. ft.
Maintenance Application: 1 lb per 1,500 sq. ft.
For best results, apply a second treatment 14 days after the first application to ensure all moles have vacated the area.
When to Apply
For year-round protection, apply Mole Scram:
Spring & Summer: When moles are actively tunneling and feeding.
Fall: To prevent moles from burrowing deep before winter.
After Heavy Rain: Reapply as needed, as excessive rain can reduce effectiveness.
Mole Scram works best when applied at the first signs of mole activity. For severe infestations, use a higher application rate and reapply more frequently.
Where to Use Mole Scram
Mole Scram is perfect for: ✔ Lawns – Protect your grass from mole tunnels and damage. ✔ Gardens – Keep moles from disturbing your plants. ✔ Flower Beds – Safe for delicate plants and flowers. ✔ Play Areas & Pet Spaces – 100% pet-safe and kid-friendly.
Buy Mole Scram Today & Take Back Your Lawn!
Don’t let moles destroy your yard—use Mole Scram Pest Control Granules for a safe, easy, and effective solution. Order today and enjoy a beautiful, mole-free lawn all year long!