Aloft GC Insecticide

Aloft GC Insecticide

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Aloft GC Insecticide

Aloft GC Insecticide

Dual-Action Turf Protection for a Healthier Lawn
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Aloft® GC Insecticide offers both preventive and curative control to combat a wide range of turfgrass insect pests swiftly. With a single application, Aloft effectively targets troublesome insects, including white grubs and surface feeders, ensuring your lawn remains healthy and vibrant. Its flexible application window from April through early September allows for tailored treatments to meet your lawn's specific needs.

Key Benefits:

  • Dual Modes of Action: Combines two active ingredients for comprehensive insect control.
  • Preventive and Curative Protection: Offers flexibility in application timing to either prevent infestations or eliminate existing pests.
  • Flexible Application Window: Suitable for applications from April through early September.
  • Fast and Lasting Control: Provides rapid systemic action with enduring residual effects.
  • Multiple Formulations: Available in both granular (GC G) and liquid (GC SC) forms to suit various application preferences.

Application Rates:

  • Aloft GC G (Granular): Apply 1.8 to 3.6 lbs per 1,000 sq ft.
  • Aloft GC SC (Liquid): Apply 0.27 to 0.54 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft.
  • For Red Imported Fire Ants:
    • Control: Apply 0.46 fl oz Aloft GC SC per 1,000 sq ft.
    • Suppression: Apply 0.33 fl oz Aloft GC SC per 1,000 sq ft.


  • Aloft GC G: A 30 lb bag covers approximately 8,333 to 16,666 sq ft, depending on the application rate.
  • Aloft GC SC: A 64 fl oz bottle covers approximately 118,518 to 237,037 sq ft, depending on the application rate.

Application Timing:

For optimal results, apply Aloft GC Insecticide between April and early September. This timing allows for both preventive treatments before pest establishment and curative treatments to address existing infestations.

Target Pests:

Aloft GC Insecticide effectively controls a broad spectrum of turfgrass pests, including but not limited to:

  • White grubs
  • Chinch bugs
  • Mole crickets
  • Cutworms
  • Sod webworms
  • Armyworms
  • Billbugs
  • Annual bluegrass weevils
  • European crane flies
  • Red imported fire ants

Application Restrictions:

  • Do not apply more than a total of 160 lbs of Aloft GC G (0.4 lb of clothianidin active ingredient and 0.2 lb of bifenthrin) per acre per season.
  • Do not apply more than a total of 23.3 fl oz of Aloft GC SC (0.4 lb of clothianidin active ingredient and 0.2 lb of bifenthrin) per acre per season.
  • If the maximum seasonal limit has been reached and additional treatments are necessary, use a non-clothianidin-based pesticide labeled for the target insects. Additional products containing bifenthrin may be used, provided the total bifenthrin application does not exceed 0.4 lb per acre per season for lawns and perimeters.
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Key Value
Active Ingredient GC G clothianidin (0.25%), bifenthrin (0.125%) ; GC SC clothianidin (24.7%), bifenthrin (12.3%)
Lawn Types Tall fescue, Bermuda, Zoysia, St. augustine, Centipede, Kentucky bluegrass, Ryegrass
Special Features Fast, systemic control and lasting residual control with one product
Application Rate Aloft GC G (Granular): Apply 1.8 to 3.6 lbs per 1,000 sq ft.
Aloft GC SC (Liquid): Apply 0.27 to 0.54 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft.
Time to Apply Spring
Target Pests (See product label for complete list) Annual bluegrass weevil (adult & larvae) Armyworms Billbugs Black turfgrass Ataenius Chinch bugs Cutworms European crane fly Grasshoppers Leafhoppers Mole crickets Pillbugs Sod webworms Sowbugs Spittle bug Sugarcane grub White grubs: Asiatic garden beetle European chafer Green June beetle Japanese beetle Northern masked chafer Phyllophaga spp. (May or June beetle) Oriental beetle Southern masked chafer
Delivery System Granules
Brand Nufarm
For Use In Turf Grass
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